Module pubmedpy.tests.test_extraction
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import os
from ..eutilities import download_pubmed_ids
import pandas
directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
pubmed_ids = [
"27094199", # Circ Cardiovasc Genet
"26158728", # PLoS Comput Biol
"25648772", # PeerJ
"21736753", # BioData Min
"25915600", # Nature Genet
"20081222", # Bioinformatics
esummary_path = os.path.join(directory, "data", "esummary.xml")
efetch_path = os.path.join(directory, "data", "efetch.xml")
def test_esummary():
Run to recreate data/esummary.xml
with open(esummary_path, "wt") as write_file:
download_pubmed_ids(pubmed_ids, write_file, endpoint="esummary")
def test_efetch():
Run to recreate data/esummary.xml
with open(efetch_path, "wt") as write_file:
download_pubmed_ids(pubmed_ids, write_file, endpoint="efetch")
def test_extract_from_esummary():
from ..esummary import (
n_articles = len(pubmed_ids)
articles = extract_articles_from_esummaries(esummary_path, n_articles)
assert len(articles) == n_articles
article_df = articles_to_dataframe(articles)
path = os.path.join(directory, "data", "esummary.tsv")
article_df.to_csv(path, index=False, sep="\t")
def test_extract_from_efetch():
from ..xml import iter_extract_elems
from ..efetch import extract_all
articles = list(iter_extract_elems(efetch_path, "PubmedArticle"))
assert len(articles) > 0
article_df = pandas.DataFrame(list(map(extract_all, articles)))
path = os.path.join(directory, "data", "efetch.tsv")
article_df.to_csv(path, index=False, sep="\t")
def test_iterparse_xml():
from ..xml import iterparse_xml
ret = iterparse_xml(esummary_path)
def test_efetch()
Run to recreate data/esummary.xml
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def test_efetch(): """ Run to recreate data/esummary.xml """ with open(efetch_path, "wt") as write_file: download_pubmed_ids(pubmed_ids, write_file, endpoint="efetch")
def test_esummary()
Run to recreate data/esummary.xml
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def test_esummary(): """ Run to recreate data/esummary.xml """ with open(esummary_path, "wt") as write_file: download_pubmed_ids(pubmed_ids, write_file, endpoint="esummary")
def test_extract_from_efetch()
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def test_extract_from_efetch(): from ..xml import iter_extract_elems from ..efetch import extract_all articles = list(iter_extract_elems(efetch_path, "PubmedArticle")) assert len(articles) > 0 article_df = pandas.DataFrame(list(map(extract_all, articles))) path = os.path.join(directory, "data", "efetch.tsv") article_df.to_csv(path, index=False, sep="\t")
def test_extract_from_esummary()
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def test_extract_from_esummary(): from ..esummary import ( articles_to_dataframe, extract_articles_from_esummaries, ) n_articles = len(pubmed_ids) articles = extract_articles_from_esummaries(esummary_path, n_articles) assert len(articles) == n_articles article_df = articles_to_dataframe(articles) path = os.path.join(directory, "data", "esummary.tsv") article_df.to_csv(path, index=False, sep="\t")
def test_iterparse_xml()
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def test_iterparse_xml(): from ..xml import iterparse_xml ret = iterparse_xml(esummary_path)