Gene Ontology annotations user-friendly and customizable


The Gene Ontology (GO) is a structured vocabulary of biological functions. The ontology is divided into three domains: biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions. In total, the ontology contains over 40,000 terms. GO annotations link a gene to a specific GO term to indicate when a gene is associated with a specific biological function.

GO annotations are frequently incorporated into bioinformatics analyses; however, parsing the ontology and annotations can be difficult. This website aims to simplify the process of retreiving GO annotations. The annotations are current (see last updated date) and customizable to an individual user’s needs. Annotations are provided separately for each species.

Please share any feedback, suggestions, or bug reports. See the ThinkLab discussion to learn more or comment. The project is open source and contributions are welcome.

Annotation Options

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Download Format

Annotation downloads are tsv-formatted. The first row contains column names. Genes are pipe (|) delimited. Below is an example of the formatting:
go_id go_name go_domain tax_id annotation_type size gene_ids gene_symbols
GO:0000050 urea cycle biological_process 9606 inferred 2 445|5009 ASS1|OTC
GO:0000053 argininosuccinate metabolic process biological_process 9606 inferred 1 445 ASS1
GO:0000054 ribosomal subunit export from nucleus biological_process 9606 inferred 4 5901|6209|7514|51068 RAN|RPS15|XPO1|NMD3
GO:0000055 ribosomal large subunit export from nucleus biological_process 9606 inferred 3 5901|7514|51068 RAN|XPO1|NMD3

Source Files

Last updated on 2018-10-26 14:49:34. This resource updates frequently, so make note of this date for version information.

Last Modified
2018-10-25 17:50:20
SHA1 Hash
B9 25 BB DD DC 03 3F B5 1B 54 50 24 45 B3 F7 AA 0A 88 FF 8D
Last Modified
2018-10-26 01:29:00
SHA1 Hash
62 5E 58 AF 43 97 1C F1 C2 FA A2 81 2E D6 D7 EB 1E BD 6D 70
Last Modified
2018-10-26 01:20:00
SHA1 Hash
AB 42 65 FA E4 60 31 90 88 C3 7D 1F C6 51 75 0B 3E 6E AC 90


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